
2016年台曆 (魚) 2016 Table Calendar (Fish)

喜歡魚的朋友可以把這魚系列的台曆放在桌上,'魚'諧音'餘',多用於吉利話語,如: 除夕吃魚,或除夕團圓飯食物要有餘,游刃有餘等等。封面的'力爭上游'即激勵人們要如魚游水般,努力向上。’ 逆水行舟,不進則退。

Those who like fish may display this fish series table calendar. In chinese, 'fish' homophonic with 'surplus', hence the meal in the Chinese New Year eve eat fish, don't finish all dishes on that day & etc. The cover page written strive to swim upstream, it encourages us to work hard to keep on improving.